About Dr Tim Lewis Marin County

About Tim Lewis — The Complex Trauma Doc

Those who are kind might call me a late bloomer, while others would say he's just slow to catch on. My path to becoming a clinical psychologist has undoubtedly been littered with potholes and hard knocks. However, what's served me well throughout it all is an enduring fascination with what makes people tick and a preoccupation with trying to answer the big questions in life.

Things You Won’t Find on My Resume

I spent too much time as a teenager mowing lawns. I've supported myself as a waiter and a house cleaner. I've helped care for friends who died from AIDS. I am a husband and a father who lives in a forest filled with giant redwoods. Being gay has defined much of my life from within and without, but it remains but one aspect of my identity.

Fun Facts

  • I never wanted to be one of those people who go on and on about how their life was transformed by mindfulness meditation, but I am, and it was—Ditto therapy.

  • I happen to be a Pisces, and my happy place is either in or beside the water. That correlation does not, however, translate into a belief in astrology!

  • I do believe in being a life learner and accumulating random bits of knowledge for knowledge's sake.

  • I am fortunate to be in the minority of people who love their work and would still do it even if I didn't get paid.

  • I take my work very seriously, but that doesn't mean treatment can't also be enjoyable. And moving. And life-affirming.

About complex trauma doc California