Home Improvement and the Traumatized Mind

Home Improvement and the Traumatized Mind

Even after recovery, PTSD can continue to make itself known for years after an episode of violence occurs. Case in point, I recently moved to a house that’s a bit of a fixer-upper. Excited to finally own my own place, I bought a pressure washer to take off some of the grime that had accumulated from the surrounding forest over the years.

Three Ways to Assert Your Needs with Difficult Coworkers

Three Ways to Assert Your Needs with Difficult Coworkers

Does it make you uncomfortable to say “no” to others? Do you avoid telling them how you feel in hopes that the problem will just go away? Do you feel like you are constantly trying to please other people, but at the end of the day they still seem displeased with you? Maybe there is a boss or coworker who completely overwhelms your ability to act; leaving you feeling miserable and resentful long after the workday is over.